Created by Snowgum Films

Cohen the Barbarian was angry. Angry that he never died in battle, angry that the world had forgotten him, and angry that his knees were starting to play up in the cold. He was also angry that his faithful mount had been gifted the ability of magical speech. The horse was insisting that they had made a wrong turn back at Splice. He was also angry that the horse was probably right. This was not how it was supposed to end for the barbarian. This was not how the Discworld’s greatest hero imagined it at all... - - - - - - - - - - - - TROLL BRIDGE is an short film based on the story by celebrated fantasy author Sir Terry Pratchett. All money raised goes back into the production. Pre-orders made on the understanding pledge fulfilment will occur once the film festival circuit has completed, and no later than a year from the TROLL BRIDGE premiere date. We’ve commenced submitting to festivals and will update this page once we have something scheduled. Currency in US Dollars.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

NEW Official Website and Migrating to BackerKit
about 9 years ago – Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 09:02:52 PM

Greetings all!

Today we’re commencing the migration from Kickstarter to BackerKit. As many of you are aware Kickstarter was only portion of our funding drive, and in order to get everyone into a unified database and keep organised – we’ll need to move to BackerKit. This will help with shipping, combining pledges, keeping contact details updated, crediting you correctly, making sure we get you the *right* versions of everything, and allow greater customisation of your pledge materials.

Shortly after this email you will receive an invitation to join. Your account and details have already been migrated, you just need to log in and confirm that everything is correct and present. Unlike Kickstarter, you will be able to log in and update all your details at any time.

If you’ve not used BackerKit before – it’s great. We’ve already pushed our Wave III supporters through to great success. Now it’s time for you guys and Wave I to join them. :)

If you don’t receive that BackerKit email by the end of the day, please email us at: [email protected]

So what about Kickstarter updates, what happens to those?

Great question! To continue providing the latest news to those who aren’t on our social media channels – we’ve built this little puppy:

That’s right! We finally have an official TROLL BRIDGE website! And boy is it chock full of content and works - you’re absolutely gonna love this thing! Our updates will now be fed through the News section on that site – once you have confirmed you details on BackerKit, your email will automatically go onto our newsletter list to ensure you don’t miss anything posted.

The website will now be our central core to all things Troll Bridge. You can even access your BackerKit account from it.

For us, the site also serves as a portfolio and press-kit. This will be instrumental in helping us obtain that last little bit of volunteer help we need, in order to tie a bow on the production. Please don’t be shy in sharing it – it will actually get the film built quicker.


So why are we doing this again?

To get organised we need to know your details for shipping and we need a unified portal to communicate with you. We need all those things, because, it’s getting to the point that knowing those things is becoming important. If you know what I mean. #cryptic

If you experience any sort of issue, of any kind, please - please let us know immediately on [email protected] so we can fix it. Today is a big day for us, so we absolutely want to make sure we get it right for you.

Kind regards,

Daniel & Ahren

Welcome to the family
over 9 years ago – Fri, Oct 09, 2015 at 11:23:37 PM

Hello everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to share some Troll Bridge news with you all. While work on completing the film continues every day, there have been some exciting developments behind the scenes that I now get to bring to you.

We have been fortunate from the very start of this film, to have received continued and warm support from the late Sir Terry Pratchett. Terry was excited to see what fans could do with this story and screening the Work In Progress version to him in October of last year is one of the high points of the project for many of the cast & crew. Since he passed away, we’ve continued to have positive conversations with his management, sometimes face to face and sometimes by the magic of the internet.

As a result of these ongoing conversations we are exceptionally pleased to announce here that Rob Wilkins, who is known to the Discworld community for his years of work at Terry’s side and as one of the owners of Narrativia, has recently signed on as an Executive Producer for Troll Bridge. Rob brings with him his amazingly deep knowledge of Discworld and contacts in every corner of the fan and creative community. Daniel and I caught up with him in Melbourne a few days ago and Rob was already bringing some ideas to the table which can only help make the film better. It was pretty cool to be honest.

Just so we are clear, this doesn’t change how the film is being run in anyway. It’s still a fan film and it will still be released to the fans and backer as per Terry’s wishes. But what it does do is give us the support and confidence to push hard and deliver a film that will sit proudly alongside other productions of Discworld lore.

Rob made it clear that Troll Bridge is an important part of what is happening in Discworld right now. It’s up to Dan and I to deliver on that promise and we’re working hard to make that happen.

Speaking of which, post production on the film is still tracking well and we are seeing new content arrive literally every day. An idea we had to be a bit more transparent, was to hold a public online conference(video/screen-share) and show some of the VFX pipeline, the work going on and the people doing it. Time Zones could be a challenge, but if there is interest in this please let us know in the Kickstarter comments and we’ll take it up.

For me now it’s back to work. I have roto to follow up and a texture artist to chase down. Wishing you all the best,

Ahren Morris
Producer |Snowgum Films

Our Problem With Beryl…
over 9 years ago – Mon, Sep 07, 2015 at 11:56:13 PM

Just a small update - as promised we're chipping away at the film and will only throw you email when we have something substantial to say.

But here's something we could really use your help on...

Of all the characters in Troll Bridge, Beryl has been by far the hardest for us to design. She has gone over the pits more times than we can count to try and get her looking right for the film, but more importantly, right for Terry’s dialogue. Feedback from our convention screenings have been absolutely invaluable in recognising the work ahead we had with her. The rhythm and intentions of the dialogue is a simple enough thing to translate, but finding an image that appropriately balances that character is even more important (and we’ve learned that doesn’t necessarily mean going for the obvious).

We think we’re close to locking her off (again) but wanted to post what we had in order to reaffirm / renounce what we had in our head before returning to the heavy CG process.

Sal has been instrumental in helping us through many of these revisions, and has graciously allowed his more recent designs to be seen for public comment. This is an incredibly brave thing for any artist, but given how many designs we’ve gone through over the years and the crowd sourced nature of the film – we’d love you all to weigh in. Particularly (especially!) if you’re familiar with the story.

What are we doing right? What are we doing wrong? How do you see her and why?

We won’t say anything more on it, but we’re certainly listening.

Head Sheet 1
Head Sheet 1
Head Sheet 2
Head Sheet 2
Head Sheet 3
Head Sheet 3

Vale Terry Pratchett
over 9 years ago – Wed, Jul 01, 2015 at 09:11:42 AM

Vale Terry Pratchett. Your words, worlds, characters and philosophies have made Roundworld a far better place.

Our thoughts and love are with all who were touched by his tales.

“The anthropologists got it wrong when they named our species Homo sapiens ('wise man'). In any case it's an arrogant and bigheaded thing to say, wisdom being one of our least evident features. In reality, we are Pan narrans, the storytelling chimpanzee.”

- Terry Pratchett, The Science of Discworld II: The Globe

Teaser Trailer III: Studio Shoot - v02 - Part II
about 10 years ago – Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 01:18:37 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.